Sustainable Wines

Sustainability is not just about being environmentally conscious, it’s about making a positive impact on the world we live in.

It is not just about enjoying a delicious bottle of wines, but also about supporting those who share the same values with us, those who cares about the earth and its future.  Our own way to appreciate a vineyard that uses organic or biodynamic farming methods, reducing water usage and minimizing the use of harmful chemicals. The world gives us limitation and some of us are willing to choose alternative way reflecting our own believes.

Recycling the bottles, more awareness of carbon emission during transportation, upcycling, etc. With every sip of a sustainable wine from us, you can feel good knowing that you’re making a difference and contributing to a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.


Sustainable wine refers to wine production practices that are environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable. This includes using environmentally friendly farming practices, reducing the use of pesticides and chemicals, conserving water and energy, and promoting biodiversity and soil health. It also includes ensuring fair labor practices and promoting the well-being of workers.

Sustainable wine production is closely related to several of the SDGs, including Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), Goal 13 (Climate Action), and Goal 15 (Life on Land). By adopting sustainable practices, wine producers can reduce their environmental impact and contribute to mitigating climate change. They can also help to ensure the long-term health of agricultural land and promote biodiversity.

In addition, sustainable wine production can contribute to achieving Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) by promoting fair labor practices and supporting the well-being of workers in the wine industry. It can also contribute to achieving Goal 2 (Zero Hunger) by promoting sustainable agriculture and ensuring food security.

Overall, sustainable wine production is an important part of promoting sustainable development and creating a more sustainable and equitable world. By supporting sustainable wine producers, consumers can help to promote the SDGs and contribute to a more sustainable future for all.

Organic wine is wine made from grapes that are grown using organic farming practices. Organic farming practices rely on natural methods to control pests and diseases, and do not use synthetic chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides. Instead, organic farmers use techniques such as crop rotation, composting, and the use of natural predators to maintain soil fertility and control pests.

To be certified as organic, vineyards must meet strict standards set by government or independent certification organizations. These standards vary by country, but generally require that farmers use only organic inputs and follow strict practices for soil and water conservation.

In addition to the use of organic farming practices, organic winemaking also involves strict standards for the winemaking process. For example, organic winemakers must use only organic yeast for fermentation and must not add any synthetic additives or preservatives.

Organic wine is often seen as a more environmentally friendly and sustainable option compared to conventionally produced wine. By avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals and promoting biodiversity, organic farmers can help to protect the environment and promote the health of agricultural land.

Organic wine is also closely related to several of the SDGs, including Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), Goal 13 (Climate Action), and Goal 15 (Life on Land). By promoting sustainable agriculture and reducing the use of synthetic chemicals, organic wine production can contribute to mitigating climate change and promoting biodiversity.

Overall, organic wine is a sustainable and environmentally friendly option for consumers who are concerned about the environmental impact of their food and drink choices.

Vegan wine is wine that is produced without the use of any animal-derived products or byproducts. This includes products such as gelatin, casein, egg whites, and isinglass, which are often used in the winemaking process to clarify the wine and remove any sediment.

To produce vegan wine, winemakers must use alternative methods for clarifying the wine. This may include using plant-based fining agents such as bentonite clay or activated charcoal, or allowing the wine to clarify naturally over time.

Vegan wine is often seen as a more ethical option for people who follow a vegan diet or who are concerned about animal welfare. By avoiding the use of animal-derived products, vegan wine production can help to reduce the demand for these products and promote more ethical and sustainable farming practices.

In addition to its ethical considerations, vegan wine is also closely related to several of the SDGs, including Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and Goal 15 (Life on Land). By promoting sustainable and ethical production practicesvegan wine production can help to reduce the environmental impact of wine production and promote biodiversity.

Overall, vegan wine is a sustainable and ethical option for consumers who are concerned about the environmental and ethical impact of their food and drink choices.

PIWI wines are wines made from grape varieties that are resistant to fungal diseases and pests, and therefore require fewer pesticides and fungicides to grow. The term “PIWI” is an abbreviation for Pilzwiderstandfähig, which is German for “fungus-resistant”.

PIWI grape varieties are bred using traditional methods of cross-breeding, rather than genetic modification. These varieties are typically derived from wild or hybrid grape varieties that have developed natural resistance to fungal diseases.

By using PIWI grape varieties, wine producers can reduce their reliance on synthetic pesticides and fungicides, which can have negative impacts on the environment and human health. PIWI wines are often seen as a more environmentally friendly and sustainable option compared to conventionally produced wines.

PIWI wines are closely related to several of the SDGs, including Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), Goal 13 (Climate Action), and Goal 15 (Life on Land). By reducing the use of synthetic pesticides and fungicides, PIWI wine production can help to mitigate the impacts of climate change and promote biodiversity.

In addition to their environmental benefits, PIWI wines are also known for their unique flavors and aromas, which can vary depending on the specific PIWI grape variety used.

Overall, PIWI wines are a sustainable and environmentally friendly option for consumers who are concerned about the environmental impact of their food and drink choices.

Pretty Awesome Wine

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We explored the wineries and brought back those stories moved us, the persistence we respect and the passion we shared.  Those are the experiences that we want to share with you – The Pretty Awesome Experience that we all need for enriching and delighting ourselves.




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